Metabolomics data analysis workshop
We kindly invite you to attend a workshop "Analysis of LC-MS focused metabolomics data with IDEOM and mzMatch".
IDEOM workshop: Thursday 20th September 2012 (£ 50)
mzMatch workshop: Friday 21st September 2012 (Free)
Times: 10am to 5pm
Venue: Bioinformatics Research Centre, Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Catering: Lunch and Tea/Coffee provided
Computers: Bring own laptop or book a desktop
Places are limited and booking is mandatory.
For day 1 only, or both days: Darren Creek, darrencreek@gmail.com (registration fee £ 50)
For day 2 only: Andris Jankevics, andris.jankevics@gmail.com (registration free)
- Introduction to LC-MS focused metabolomics
- Practical tutorials to get familiar with the software
- Explanation of tips and tricks for non-experts in the field
- Demonstration of advanced features
- Discussions for future development of data processing software
Thursday 20th September: IDEOM Tutorial
(Suitable for all metabolomics researchers, particularly biologists)
10:00 Welcome and introduction to metabolomics and LC-MS (Prof Mike Barrett)
10:30 Presentation: Basics of LCMS-based metabolomics data analysis (Darren Creek)
11:30 Tea and coffee break
11:45 Tutorial: Visualisation and interpretation of processed data with IDEOM (Darren Creek)
12:30 TBA, David P. Leader
1:00 Lunch
2:00 Tutorial: Running the full data processing pipeline with IDEOM (Darren Creek)
3:00 Tutorial: Additional features: targeted, normalisation, quantification, labelling (Darren Creek)
4:00 Tea and coffee break
4:15 Presentation/Discussion: Advanced functions in IDEOM and future directions (Darren Creek)
5:00 Close (Dinner and Drinks at nearby establishment – not included)
Friday 21st September: mzMatch – Advanced Data Analysis Workshop
(Suitable for specialist metabolomics analysts, particularly analytical chemists and bioinformaticians)
10:00 Overview of advanced metabolomics data processing (Andris Jankevics)
10:30 Scripting-based analysis with mzMatch: hands-on tutorial and discussion (from peak picking and filtering to statistics and visualisation) 1st session (Andris Jankevics and Unni Chokkathukalam)
11:30 Tea and coffee break
11:45 Scripting-based analysis with mzMatch: hands-on tutorial and discussion (from peak picking and filtering to statistics and visualisation) 2nd session (Andris Jankevics and Unni Chokkathukalam)
1:00 Lunch
2:00 Stable-isotope labelling data analysis (Unni Chokkathukalam and Andris Jankevics)
3:30 Tea and coffee break
3:45 TBA, Gavin Blackburn
4:10 TBA, Karl Burgess
4:35 TBA, Rónán Daly
5:00 Close