Uses of Class

Packages that use PeriodicTable.Isotope

Uses of PeriodicTable.Isotope in peakml.chemistry

Fields in peakml.chemistry declared as PeriodicTable.Isotope
 PeriodicTable.Isotope[] PeriodicTable.Element.isotopes
          The list of isotopes.

Methods in peakml.chemistry that return PeriodicTable.Isotope
 PeriodicTable.Isotope PeriodicTable.Element.getIsotope(int k)
          Returns the isotope instance at the given position (0 is the most abundant isotope).
 PeriodicTable.Isotope[] PeriodicTable.Element.getIsotopes()
          Returns an array of all the isotopes for the element.

Constructors in peakml.chemistry with parameters of type PeriodicTable.Isotope
PeriodicTable.Element(int id, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String identifier, double molecularweight, double massvariance, int valency, PeriodicTable.Isotope... isotopes)
          Constructs a new element with the given information.